Prof. Dr. Sebastian Teupe (Former Faculty Member)
Juniorprofessor Economic History
Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-4186
Fax: +49 (0)921 / 55-4222
ZAPF-Building, House 4 (Office 4.4.13b)
Curriculum vitae:
- Since September 2016, Professor (W1) in Economic History at Bayreuth University (positively evaluated in September 2019). Habilitationproject: "Die Verwandlung des Geldes. Eine transatlantische Geschichte der 'Geldillusion' zur Zeit des Goldstandards, ca. 1865-1925" (completed)
- Since February 2024, research associate at the Gesellschaft für Unternehmensgeschichte (project: The history of the VDI since the 1970s)
- May 2015-August 2015, Research Assistant at the chair of Social and Economic History at Bayreuth University
- 2011-2015, Research Assistant at the chair of Economic History at Bielefeld University and doctoral candidate at Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology (BGHS)
- 2010-2011, Research Assistant at the chair of Social and Economic History at University of Goettingen
- 2005-2010, Studied Economic and Social History, Economic and Social Psychology and Philosophy at University of Goettingen
- Member of the DFG-Research Network "Doing Debt. Praxeologie der Staatsverschuldung im langen 20. Jahrhundert"
- Business History Award of the GUG e.V. 2015 (link)
- Doctorate in March 2015 at Bielefeld University. Title of the dissertation: "The Laws of Markets. Pricing, Competition and Trading of Television Sets in the Federal Republic of Germany and the United States, 1945-1985." („Die Gesetze des Marktes. Preispolitik, Wettbewerb und der Handel mit Fernsehgeräten in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, 1945-1985“)
- Visiting Researcher at Copenhagen Business School (made possible by a mobility grant of the BGHS) 2013/2014
- Research Fellow at the German Historical Institute, Washington D.C. 2012
- Bielefeld Certificate of University Teaching 2011-2013